Giada is an open source, minimalistic and hardcore music production tool. Designed for DJs, live performers and electronic musicians.
Giada is in a constant stage of development and may lack of some functionalities which could make it hard to use. Please see the milestones to understand the direction of development. Giada is obviously full of bugs, too. So you are welcome to join our forum and submit any malfunction or suggestion.
If you want to collaborate with this project, join us on GitHub.
We distribute Giada as 64-bit binary files for Windows, macOS and Linux. more specifically:
on Windows — Windows Vista or greater is required;
on macOS — macOS Sierra 10.14 or greater is required;
on Linux — Giada is packaged as an AppImage and can run on many distributions (including Ubuntu, Fedora, openSUSE, CentOS, elementaryOS, Linux Mint, and others). What you need:
glibc version 2.23 or greater;
libstdc++ version 3.4.21 or greater;
JACK installed.
You can also build Giada from source. More information in the Compiling from source page.
Go to the Download area, grab the package for your operating system, unzip it if required. Then:
on Windows and macOS — Double-click on the program icon to start Giada;
on Linux — Mark the .AppImage file you have downloaded as executable. For example, on the command line:
chmod +x Giada-1.0.0-x86_64.AppImage
Now double-click on the .AppImage file to start Giada.
Giada saves its configuration in a file called giada.conf, generated somewhere in your filesystem:
Linux — /home/(your_user)/.config/giada/giada.conf;
macOS — /Users/(your_user)/Library/Application Support/Giada/giada.conf;
Windows — C:\Users\(your_user)\AppData\Giada\giada.conf.
If you accidentally delete or alter it, the default setup will be used. This file is restored the next time you quit the program.
The AppImage package that you can download from this website should just work out of the box. However for the absolute, best, top-notch experience you should also try binaries shipped by the package manager of your favorite distribution. Giada is available on Debian, Ubuntu, Flathub and many more.
The macOS package we currently provide is not signed, which makes the OS quite unhappy. So if Giada doesn't start when double-clicked, try to remove the "quarantine flag" by running these instructions. Additionaly, macOS Gatekeeper might get in the way: follow these instructions to disable it.