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Learn how to compile it here.
We provide AppImage packages for Linux on 64 bit architectures. However for the absolute, best, top-notch experience you should also try binaries shipped by the package manager of your favorite distribution. Giada is already available on Debian, Ubuntu, Arch Linux and many more.
If Giada doesn't start when double-clicked, try to remove the "quarantine flag" by running these instructions. Additionaly, macOS Gatekeeper might get in the way: follow these instructions to disable it.
Beware of imitations! This is the only place where to pick up the latest official Giada packages.
Giada for Linux, 64 bit | 69e69d2e44e9714f240fc4619e24cf53 |
Giada for Windows, 64 bit | 3b7c8afa7f619009e6e570ab539a35b8 |
Giada for macOS, 64 bit | ad2d183125190ec5cf908e4a7360e283 |
Giada source code | 2aa978e71e394d2115bfd001bd11c1ae |
Giada is in constant stage of growth; take a look at our roadmap to understand the direction of the development or join the forum to submit feature requests and bugs found.